Fresmak’s most advanced vice for the most demanding machining processes.


+ ARNOLD MAT General Characteristics (Read more)

Clamping Technology

Enveloping clamping

These vices provide an enveloping clamping system. The spindle does not push the movable jaw from the end clamp, but rather pulls it from the head. This effect means that the head of the vice and the workpiece suffer less deformation stress due to high pressure.

+ARNOLD MAT Clamping Technology (Read more)

Special jaws

The ARNOLD MAT vices offer the possibility to work with machined soft jaws according to the geometry of the workpiece.


The ARNOLD MAT vices have a descending clamping system to prevent the clamped part from lifting. This is a semi-sphere installed between the movable jaw and the spindle shoe.

When the clamping force is applied via the spindle, the pressure is split in two directions, one of which pulls the workpiece downwards.

Workholding solutions

Hydraulic spindle

Field of application

By machine type:

By workpiece/manufacturing type:

Supplied set

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    Other ARNOLD MAT models

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